A clean touch-and-go is practised to enhance pitch and directional control during the landing and takeoff phase.
A touch-and-go landing is conducted normally, except that effort is made to keep the nose gear clear of the runway throughout the manoeuvre. After the aircraft has settled on the main gear, flaps for soft field should be selected and power slowly and smoothly added sufficiently to maintain directional and pitch control. Once stabilized, takeoff power should then be smoothly selected and the aircraft allowed to lift off at minimum airspeed. Once airborne, the aircraft is then levelled off above the runway at a constant altitude, allowing the aircraft to accelerate to its departure climb speed. With longer runways, after planting the main gear, the power can be initially increased to the normal-approach power setting to prolong and stabilize the “cat-walk” attitude, after which takeoff power can be selected. The tower controller must be advised of your intention to make a long landing. Power, flap, and pitch changes should be undertaken as smoothly as possible.
Flight Safety
It is required that this manoeuvre not be practised in strong crosswind conditions as a high pitch attitude could lead to loss of control.